
how to find z score from percentile

How practice I Convert a Z Score to Percentile?

A z-score gives you an idea of how far from the mean a information point is. Z-scores range from -3 standard deviations up to +3 standard deviations As a percentage, a z score of zilch is 50%. But how do you summate these conversions? Watch the video to view three means to catechumen Z-scores to percentiles or vice versa (percentiles to z-scores):

Z Score to Percentile and Vice Versa

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3 Ways to Convert a Z-Score to Percentile (and Vice Versa)

To catechumen from i unit to some other, use a calculator, like the 1 below, or use a table (see instructions further down) and calculate the percentile by mitt. In either case, y'all will be more easily able to convert between units if you know some basics about normal distributions, like the 68 95 99.7 dominion. This rule states that 68 percentage of the expanse nether a bong curve lies between -1 and 1 standard deviations either side of the mean, 94 pct lies within -2 and 2 standard deviations and 99.7 percent lies within -3 and 3 standard deviations; these standard deviations are the "z scores."

The computer below allows you to convert z-scores to percentiles:

To catechumen a percentile to a z-score, use this calculator.

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Convert Scores with a Z Tabular array

A Z Tabular array has z scores and their associated areas. Once you have found the area, catechumen that to a percentile. This mini tabular array shows the area for z scores in .5 increments:
z score to percentile
For example, let's say y'all wanted to convert a z score of -2 to a percentile. The area listed in the tabular array is .0227. To convert this decimal to a percentile, move the decimal indicate two places to the right and so add a percentage sign:
.0227 becomes 2.27%

Things become a fiddling more tricky when you want a z score that'due south not listed in the tabular array above. In that case, you should utilise a more comprehensive z-table.

Z Score to Percentile Example

Z Score of 0.33
z score to percentile 3

  1. Look up the value in the left hand z-table (see image above). The expanse is .6293.
  2. Movement the decimal point two places to the correct, and so add together a per centum sign: 62.93%.

Check out our YouTube Channel for hundreds of simple statistics videos!


Gonick, L. (1993). The Cartoon Guide to Statistics. HarperPerennial.
Everitt, B. S.; Skrondal, A. (2010), The Cambridge Dictionary of Statistics, Cambridge University Press.


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